ProRat Server Attacker

CK - MaFioZi Simo
Name : ProRat Server Attacker
Version : 1.0
Coder: MaFioZi Simo
Compatibility: Windows OS
Description : By using this tool you can get all information of a ProRAT server/trojan like password/victim name/email ... and more, after getting those information you can Edit and restart the trojan with the new information(or you can use this password to get connected from the Client "ProRAT"), you can use the downloader/and IExplore options

Greetz to : Whiskey and all Computer Korner members

Note: If You Get An Error, Running at the first time, Try to run again, and you have to run it from the Admin .

Download Link Updated:
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  1. checking it again, thanks for reporting...

  2. 1-Thanks for the tool, it connects well but freezes when url download button is clicked.

    2-I wish there is a status of the download progress .


  3. Thanks for the tool, it freezes when the download button is clicked,
